As I've mentioned before, I've another BeOS R5 machine on the go - and this one has working WiFi. Four families of cards have drivers - Intersil Prism PCI/PCMCIA/USB, e.g. the ORiNOCO 11mbit cards, Ralink RT2500 54mbit cards, Intel 2100 11mbit cards and Intel 2200 54mbit cards. I have an ORiNOCO PCMCIA for various retro gear, and a mini PCI 2200 in the R5 laptop. Windows 98SE does not support this card - just too new - so I use the ORiNOCO with Odyssey to connect from it I'm not going to expose my normal cable connection to an open WiFi connection, but I'm also getting rather annoyed having to use tethering on my mobile. So I dug up my old router, and have configured it as such, to allow for antique drivers: 2.4Ghz network, fixed channel, B/G mode, low power (it will always be very near to me), WEP 128bit, client isolation and MAC address filtering, and a 20mbits speed restriction. Admin username and password are both changed to not be the default for the router vendo...