Network Card Revisited #2

 So, it seems my 'working' NIC has a very odd problem - it can't upload packets of more than ~200 bytes. This let FTP downloading work fine - tiny requests would go fine, and it can download whatever it wants it seems.

Pinging it from another machine gets replies up to 200 byte pings, but not 201. Pinging out is reliable up to 187 bytes but reduces in reliability beyond that til it's basically unusable at 200.

The NIC was cheap, so I can just write it off and buy a 20140 which I know works properly on R5 for another ~€25; or I can poke around and see if I can find a reason for this happening. It'd be handy if it had a MacOS driver to see if the same issue happens there, indicating a dead card. I can probably find a PC with 5v compatible PCI slots and test under Linux which still has drivers either.


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