A semi-sensible way to upgrade an ancient Mac to faster/quieter/larger (the drive I had was 2GB, partitioned for MacOS 8.6 and BeOS at that) storage is to use a SCSI2SD device, which allows you to access the file system from a compatible OS with an SD reader, swap "disks" (cards), and so on. But one of these is $98, plus whatever shipping and possibly taxes I'd get hit for; and while its tested with a similar machine (the 6400) , it may not work on my 5400. Plus it'd be a bit more complicated to connect it internally, as the supplied HD in the 5400 is IDE - the CD is SCSI. But that IDE use gave me another option, both a lot cheaper and vastly quicker. One of the bigger European vendors of memory and storage products is based a few miles from my house, and €22 got me a 32GB short-size 2.5" SATA SSD, and a SATA-PATA adapter; delivered to my office overnight (so the proximity to my house was sort of irrelevant then) This fits, or will fit when I put some anti stati...
BeOS browsing support is now probably at its worst level ever, more or less. The TLS Apocalypse , whereby the majority of secured websites dropped support for less than TLS1.2 has happened; and with most websites now required a secure session to use at all times, this means there's very little you can access with any browsers, including nearly all download sites should someone create a working browser. Even BeBytes is out of reach. BeOS was never flush with browser options. On x86 you had: * Firefox or Mozilla Seamonkey, last updated for Firefox 3 / Seamonkey 1.9 of 2006 * Opera 3.6 of 1999 * NetPositive 2.2, included in the OS so theoretically from 2000 but with standards support more like 1996 * Netsurf 2, more updated but quite behind the others in capabilities There was also a beta Net+ "3", older than 2.2, with some very basic JavaScript support, and the otherwise identical Net+ in Dano, which had ssleay (a predecessor of OpenSSL) instead of licenced RSA SSL code As...
Some slow messing around with this machine has got me a bit further along: * USB and storage working with USB.patches and the usb_scsi driver * An Audigy2 has been ordered from eBay * HLT is now enabled, so the processor fans are not running at full speed - but as I've no audio yet, I don't yet know if I need to do any of the workarounds require to stop it messing up audio So the PC is working, or will be, to a usable standard. But I decided to run BeRometer, and found out that the perception that its working fairly quickly is likely due to the lack of seek time on the SSD - its actually hideously slow. Copying a 608MB file from one partition on the disk to another took slightly over 8 minutes - and while this isn't an ideal disk I/O test, there's not a lot of others you can do. So sub 1MB/sec throughput on a SATA150 controller (the limiting factor in hardware here - the SSD is SATA600). But low throughput has to be expected, as when BeOS R5 came out, ATA33 was the newe...
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